Upset in the West

Dear Sassy,
I have a problem. I am married, with three children, and consider myself a Christian. My husband and I are going through problems and we have sought counseling with our pastor. We have been in counseling for the past year, and for the past three months I have been sleeping with the pastor that is counseling us. It started out innocently enough when the pastor asked to see each of us alone. It was at the second meeting when the pastor and I became close. What started as an innocent hug as gone further. We make up excuses to see one another by scheduling extra "counseling" sessions. I don't know if its love, more than likely its lust, but I am thinking of leaving my husband because she fulfills me more than he does. Yes I said she, my pastor is female. We connect on a very different level and the vibe between us is strong. We both talk about leaving our spouses but know that it would negatively affect our family and her especially as a pastor. We have even talked of breaking it off but dont have the will to do so. What should we do?

Upset in the West

Dear Upset in the West:

Talk about a sin and shame. As I read your letter, I am shaking my head. You are and your pastor are having an illicit affair under the guise of "counseling sessions". I should say that I am appalled and surprise, but I'm not. Church in my estimation can be full of individuals that are rife with the devil. I know that we are all on a journey of learning to walk in the RIGHT path, but the both of you have taken the wrong fork in the road. I know that flesh can be weak and temptations are put before us, but as a married woman and she as a pastor, you both should've stopped before anything had happened. This affair is no different than that of a new relationship. All new sex is good sex and you at this point are only thinking of the sex that the two of you have and nothing else. When the sex is good it can blind us to what is really the truth of the situation. Its just sex. Both of you are married. You could've sought the services of one of the assistant pastors, rather than carry on as you are. I am glad to see she is "ministering" out west and not in my church, but hey you never know what goes on. I say to you, cease with the affair immediately, and cut off all communication with this woman. Your problem is going to be telling your husband why you have to stop counseling. More than likely you will have to move to a new church home. I wonder how your husband will take that news. You failed to state what you and your husband were seeking counseling for, but YOU have created another issue within your marriage that crosses the boundaries of Steve Harvey states, the answer to your problem lies in the end of the letter. All I can do is advise you of the right thing to do, which isn't always the easiet thing to do.

I wish you luck and hope that you will keep me posted with the result.


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