I have thought about it...I am going to post a weekly question to the blog...and I hope folks will answer (((crossing my fingers in hope)))....
This was bought on by the last email I received from a woman calling me a hater...and I it made me do some self reflection.
My history/background with men was mired in a lack of enlightenment...like the writer of the letter, she too is still not there yet and aware of herself as a woman, as a person. Before anyone can love us, truly love and accept us, we must first learn to love and accept ourselves. It took me half of my life to know, love, and learn ME! So if that makes me look/appear as a hater, then I am sorry...I just want women to wake up to life and self. Know that whatever happens to you, is your fault...not his/hers, but yours...take accountability for your actions and be responsible for your behavior.
So here is the Question....
Do women over 30 feel pressured to be in a committed relationship, thus letting go of some of the requirements she would like from a man?
Dear SassyScribe
I just started reading your blog and I want to know do you like women? You hate on us alot. It makes me wonder if you even like women, maybe even a little in love with women so much so that you hate on them.
You write about different things all the time, but mostly about how women can stop doing something. Do you have a man? Do you even want a man? Maybe if you spent as much time writing about what it is women can do for/to men then maybe your hatin ass would have a man.
Stop Hatin in Albany
Dear Stop Hatin'...
My goal with this blog and all of my blogs/writing is to hold women accountable for their actions when it comes to the opposite sex. For that matter, I wish to instill in them an awareness of self that supercedes how they allow a man or others (regardless of gender) to treat them.
I love my gender, and I absolutely L O V E being a woman, but I know that we as a gender tend to fall short and in the end we want to blame it on a man or men. When in fact, we need to look at the woman in the mirror for our problems/woes and no one else...SO if that means women need to be accountable for their actions, then yes I am a hater...no I don't have a man, and you want to know why, because I am not allowing alot of the bullshyt I have in the past.
As for being in love with women or wanting women...well if you knew ME, then you would know the answer to that question...
I hope this helps...
Hi Ms. Sassy,
I am a 22yo college student and I have a problem. I am attracted to women. I love the way they look and I am curious to find out how it feels. I have several friends that have experimented with other women, kissing and all, but they say they ain't gay. I don't want to be gay. I like boys and girls, what do I do? Can I be with women and men without being labeled as gay?
Confused in Tuscaloosa
Dear Confused....
It is my belief that people should do what makes them happy. If you are that interested in wanting to be with (nee sleep with) a woman or women then go for it. It makes you at this point bi-curious, however, the term for wanting both men and women is bi-sexuality, which is more accepted in females than in males. What man doesn't want his woman to be bi sexual, it gives him the best of both worlds.
So long as there are two consenting adults I don't see the problem in it. The question is, "Are you ready for the consequences of your actions?" Meaning, it sounds more to me like your worried about what family and friends are going to think. See that is what you didn't say in the letter, its what I see...
Hope this helps.
with SASSY
The Bad Girl of Talk
Invites you to get your Grown & Sexy ON!
Next Chat Session
Saturday, October 7th at 7pm
“Are You Listening To What He Is Saying”
A Good Book Bookstore
2101 Gwynn Oak Ave.
Woodlawn, MD 21207
email: asksassy@asksassyscribe.com
Dear Sassyscribe,
My husband wants me to have sex with a woman. He said that by doing so, I would not only show him how much I love him, but it would also fulfill his fantasy. We have been married for three years, and I truly love him, but I am not comfortable with another person in our bedroom and I don't want to touch another woman. What should I do? Am I being selfish by not wanting to make my man happy or is he the selfish one?
Undecided in Memphis
Dear Undecided...
I think your husband is incredibly selfish by using this "jedi mind trick" on you. I would like to know if the two of you have even discussed your likes, wants, desires, and needs in the bedroom? Is this the first time he has brought this subject up? If not, then their is a definate need for a discussion. On the flip side, I am all for fulfilling and acting out fantasies so long as the partner is comfortable with whatever that may entail. If both aren't comfortable, how can you both enjoy this rich experience together.
My advice, talk to your husband, tell him how you are feeling and move forward from there. Don't do anything that you are uncomfortable with or that you may live to regret! Ask yourself this..."Can I look myself in the mirror with no regrets and damn the consequences/repercussions?" If the answer is no, then I strongly urge you...NOT TO DO IT!